Monday, 6 August 2012

Author Interview - Phyllis Burton

Shah Fazli
Phyllis Burton, Welcome back to our 'One Stop Interview'. From when we interviewed you last tell us about the good and also not so good things that has happened to your writing, are you writing anything now, if yes, what exactly keeps you motivated to carry on, do we expect any other book from you after Paper Dreams and A Passing Storm, if yes, please tell us about it, if not, tell us if you intend to write any in the near future and what it would be about? If you have any book in progress, you may want to read a few lines from that?

Phyllis Burton
Hello. Yes, I'm part way through my third book - SWITCHING OFF. Sarah Wenham has to decide whether to switch off the machine that is keeping her husband alive, or not. I love writing about my characters - I really about what happens to them. A PASSING STORM is being reissued and relaunched by Matador in September. I am so pleased that it will be given a new lease of life after languishing as a POD file in the US. In between writing novels, I enjoy writing short stories, singing and water-colour painting.

Phyllis Burton The following is a ten line sample from The Prologue of PAPER DREAMS:
September 1952

Gerald Hapsworth-Cole’s heart lurched as the huge ship’s siren reminded him that Amy’s departure was imminent. ‘How can I let her go?’ he asked himself. But deep down, he knew that there was nothing he could do or say that would make her change her mind, but he had to try. Feeling frantic, he reached out to embrace the woman standing by his side.

‘Amy, my dearest Amy, what am I going to do now? I love you so much and I just can’t envisage a life without you.’

‘Gerald honey, it’s no use, can’t you see? I have to go home to Vancouver. We’ve been over everything again and again. What choice do we have?’

He looked blankly at her, momentarily lost for words. The inevitability of it all

Phyllis Burton Thank you for the questions, Shah

Shah Fazli Thank you so much, it is a real joy. Visit --

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