Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Interpreter: Author Interview With Margarita Felices

Shah Sight‎Margarita Felices, welcome on our show, and it's a real pleasure for all of us to have you with us today on our live show. It has been fascinating to interview authors from all walk of life, journalist, businessman, teacher, we would love to know you better before we come up with our actual questions, tell us something about yourself please?

Margarita Felices I live in Cardiff with my partner and three little mad dogs and I work for a well-known TV broadcasting company. I love living in Cardiff because, for all its modernisation, there are still remnants of an old Victorian city. I love writing and base my stories in Cardiff because it has such character. I am Gothic, I love the fashion, the architecture and the music. I have written several short stories for ladies magazines over the years and also helped develop scripts and storylines. I thought it was about time I sat down and wrote a book.

Shah Sight Thanks Margarita, from what we know about your one story, it is about vampires, right, did actually where you live make you write about vampires, the remnants of an old Victorian city, or it is something else that has influenced your writing, why you are writing about vampires, tell us something about it please?

Margarita Felices Yes it's about vampires, but I think so much more. For example, they are not the type that are out to take lives. My characters are on a mission, something has been stolen from them, something ancient and important. I love the genre. Mind you saying that, I'm not impressed with some of the characterisations of them. I love the old Victorian vampires, the Bram Stoker Dracula and the vampire Lestat. Living in Cardiff just helped put my characters in a base that I was familiar with. I felt I could do much more with my characters if I was standing exactly where they were! Taking in all they could see and smell. But I love supernatural stories, they are fun to write and you can let your imagination run riot.

Shah Sight It is fascinating, Margarita, how do you personally feel about vampires, were you scared of them when you were a child, you said your vampires are not scary, so what actually you want your readers to feel when reading your vampire story, if they are not out to kill people or suck their blood, what kind of personality or emotions you have given your characters, how do we connect with them?

Margarita Felices They never frightened me to be honest, if anything I am more afraid of Zombie characters than Vampires. Perhaps its because they appear to be more human looking than any other supernatural creature. I feel sorry for them, alienated from mortals for being different. I do have a few villains in the story that are out to 'suck your blood' in fact Max, my main villain, does kill a few people as well as beat up a femaile vampire! I always described Rachel, my lead, as a compassionate vampire, but also a vicious killer. I want my readers to know that not all Vampires are evil. I want them to feel something towards Rachel that makes them hope she finds what she's looking for at the end, she's not only looking for the book.

Shah Sight Thanks, this is getting really interesting for us, Margarita, the book I am asking you about is called Judgement of Souls, which is now also featured on our site, do you have another vampire story, or a Zombie story, apart from this one, if yes, please tell us something about it, if not, tell us about your next project?

Margarita Felices I've recently submitted a short story to BTGN about a psychic. It's a different story to what I've written in the past. It's a bit quirky and a story that I've had in my archives for such a long time and I always liked it so I re-wrote it and hopefully should be out very soon. I'm also writing the prequel, Judgement of Souls 2: The Call of the Righteous. This novel will go back in time for Rachel. It will span 300 years and see her get mixed up in all sorts and travel to lots of different places and meet the dashing Count that is mentioned briefly in JOS3. Then I have the last in the trilogy to wrote and will focus on her parents and when the Book of Cain was found.

Shah Sight Very interesting, do you want to read a few lines of Judgements of Souls to our audience, a few lines that say a lot about your story, you might not remember it, but we will love to wait to hear something from your book, even if you have to go and look for it in your book, and then read it to us here, if not possible we can move to another question?

Margarita Felices ‎...she clenched her hands, her knuckles whitened and her smile faded as she remembered the attack on the Elysium, her parents’ banishment from their home and betrayal by the one person she thought she could trust; all those memories, a lifetime away, but still fresh in her mind. There was only one person to blame: a man who had broken her heart and condemned her and her parents to shame....

Chris Karlsen Having read Judgement of Souls, I can say I was struck by the imagination Ms. Felices showed in describing the history of vampires. I also enjoyed the different settings starting with Cardiff.

Margarita Felices Thank you that's kind of you to say..

Shah Sight I thought you wouldn't remember it, but of course when you love your work you do remember a lot about it. What do people say about your particular story, Margarita, we know there are lots of vampire stories, as there is sci-fic, thriller, fantasy, etc, why people think that your book can stand out among other such stories, you may want to tell us their exact words about your story, like what our Chris Karlsen just said?

Margarita Felices I had a great review from a magazine yesterday. They loved that my main character was female and it made a great change. And also I 've been told that it goes at a great pace. There is no padding in my novel, if it didn't move the story on, it was deleted as simple as that. The reviews I've had so far have been overwhelming, I hope that I've given the reader a different look to vampires, yes they are killers, but they also have traditions which they are very strict with. Some of the catch lines before the reviews have read: A great ride, funny in parts - Page turning and compelling - Unique and different - Clever and Imaginative - Vampires don't twinkle.

Shah Sight Well, it's like watching a movie for us, and we want to thank you for giving us such a pleasure, and talking about movie, have you thought of changing your vampire story to a movie script, has any agency talked to you about making your story into a film, do you see your story being a movie, yourself?

Margarita Felices I work for TV ! Seeing my book made into a film would be fantastic! But there are hundreds of stories out there in competition. Right now I'm happy that a few people a week download and enjoy what I've written. If of course anyone was interested, I would gladly script the novel - I have a bit of experience with film scripts! Perhaps one day if there was a lot of interest I would change it, but that's a harder market to break into than being an author. And the pressure is immense. I'm plodding along at a good pace, writing the second in the trilogy and making notes for the first one. If I was approached right now, I wouldn't give my best work, I know it. So for now, a film is a nice distant dream. But wow! To see my characters on the big screen - now that would be nice!

Shah Sight Margarita, I will give the Amazon links that I have from Judgement of Souls, in the end, do you want to also tell us where else can we buy your book, give us a few links please, if you want?

Margarita Felices Thank you. You can also download the book from Books to go Now. I will have a website running very soon and a book promo. Anyone that wants to chat to me can do so via FB - I don't bite!

Margarita Felices and also from here

Shah Sight It was a pleasure being with you today, anything else you want to tell us, please give us the joy of hearing it, before we meet you once more on our show, in the future, we thank you and say goodbye for now?

Margarita Felices Thank you - that wasn't as daunting as I thought it was going to be. I'd like to thank everyone who has downloaded the book so far. It means so much to new writers to get recognition. Bye bye xxx

Shah Sight If you want to buy Margarita's vampire story also visit:

Judgement of Souls Margarita Felices - ShahSight Home Literary Book


Shah Sight And also:

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  1. Thank you Shah. You are a fantastic interviewer and I really enjoy the interviews you bring to us. It was great to hear from Margarita Felices on her book. I hope you get the chance to see you book on the big screen!

    1. You have been an amazing supporter of your other fellow authors, Bill, and we are lucky to have you as a member in our group, and I believe every one else agrees with me.
