Monday, 15 April 2013

Shasta Seawright

Catherine Mahoney
The ghosts whispered Tricia here too, So Mr. Shah if you be a gentleman and start a chat with Shasta, then we can confused the ghosts and creaturess and help Linna to break through.

Shasta Seawright Hey! How is everyone?

Catherine Mahoney Welcome Shasta, was it difficult for you to enter the dark portal or did say a chant or played your favorite songs?

Tricia Drammeh Hi Shasta. Welcome

Tricia Drammeh Shasta, can you please tell us about your work? What books have you written?

Catherine Mahoney her portal is block working on it

Tricia Drammeh Lots of internet problems tonight, Catherine Mahoney

Shasta Seawright My portal is now open apparently, I left a few words out of my chant!

Catherine Mahoney See magicix always works with team cooperation, welcome again

Shasta Seawright To answer an earlier question, I am currently working on novel called Tiyanak!

Echidna King has everything she ever wanted and so much more, but when her life is turned upside down she finds so many similarities in her life with the fiction that she writes! Question is will she figure it all out or will time run out for her!

Tricia Drammeh It sounds very intriguing. How did you get the idea for the book?

Shasta Seawright Without giving away the plot and twists: I have a very good friend who was talking about a short story I was working on and he said this is what you should write! ( I can't tell you exactly what he said it will give too much away)

Tricia Drammeh Who are your favorite authors?

Shasta Seawright I have very eclectic taste! But in the horror genre I absolutely love Jack Kilborn/J.A Konrath

Tricia Drammeh What are you reading right now?

Shasta Seawright Omg! It keeps posting the same thing!

Tricia Drammeh The internet is being weird tonight. LOL

Shasta Seawright To answer I'm currently reading a YA book Wide Awake by Shelly Crane

Tricia Drammeh Cool! Do you have a website or blog?

Shasta Seawright And of course I am making my final deliberations in the Horror Asylum's Author of the Year contest!

Shasta Seawright I'm trying to post a link to my page! I've enlisted help! Bare with me! In the mean time are there any other questions?

Tricia Drammeh Have you published any work?

Joseph Gelinas Welcome

Shasta Seawright I published some poems when I was in high school! But the sites I did it through are no longer open. I have 3 stories I'm finishing now and I hope to have them out to you all soon!

Tricia Drammeh Will you self-publish or will you query publishers and agents?

Shasta Seawright I'm a big supporter of Indie but if a publisher wants to pick me up I'm not going to argue!

Joseph Gelinas What are looking for as a judge

Shasta Seawright I'm looking for verbal artistry! I love when someone can write something that completely pulls you in and you feel like you are a part of that world!

Joseph Gelinas Are there any authors you look forward to reading?

Shasta Seawright I really look forward to learning who has written which stories! I have already read some of the authors published works now I'd like to see if I feel the same about their work reading it blind (without knowing he author)!

Tricia Drammeh Are there any genres you won't read? Or, do you read a bit of everything? And, what's your favorite?

Shasta Seawright I read everything! I prefer horror and dare I say "adult" romances! Horror stories that make you say "What the hell?" Are my all time favs!

Tricia Drammeh Do you still write poetry?

Shasta Seawright Sad to say "no"! I've tried to write poetry but my heart is just not in it. I still love to read poetry though!

Tricia Drammeh When your book is published, how do you plan to celebrate?

Shasta Seawright Lots of alcohol! JK! I haven't really thought about celebrating! I would really like to have a release party, online and with some close friends and family who have put up with the ought the process!

Shasta Seawright * through out*

Tricia Drammeh Yep. You definitely have to celebrate. Finishing a book a huge accomplishment. Do you have any ideas for the next book?

Shasta Seawright I'm actually thinking of doing a short story compilation that would be a prequel to the book! The main character in my book is an author an I think I'd like to bring her work to life!

Shasta Seawright I have very eclectic taste so I'm working on some short stories for other genres to test the waters!

Tricia Drammeh Sounds great!

Tricia Drammeh Do you have any hobbies or interests?

Shasta Seawright Of course I love reading and writing! I love sports, and oddly enough I've recently found a love for fighting! I've started taking MMA at my local gym and I can't get enough! Lol!

Tricia Drammeh Do your hobbies ever creep into your writing? In other words, do you find yourself incorporating sports or MMA into your stories?

Shasta Seawright Actually, I haven't started on it yet, but I did jot down some interesting ideas on incorporating MMA into one of my books!

Tricia Drammeh How does your family and friends feel about your writing? Have they read any of it?

Joseph Gelinas Shasta Seawright has been such a blessing and strong supporter of my work, top notch lady.

Shasta Seawright I've let my husband read some of Tiyanak and he said I was morbid! I have a few friends online and off that have read some of it and they have given positive feedback!

Shasta Seawright Thank you Joseph Gelinas That is very sweet of you!

Shasta Seawright Thank you Joseph Gelinas That is very sweet of you!

Tricia Drammeh Is your husband supportive?

Shasta Seawright He is supportive although at times I think I scare him!

Tricia Drammeh I understand that. LOL. What about your other relatives and friends? Does everyone know about your writing, or have you kept quiet about it?

Shasta Seawright I think everyone pretty much knows I have an aunt who writes YA and a cousin who writes YA they are both super supportive! The rest of my family is supportive as well but wish I would tackle more conservative genres! (I've never been too good at doing what I was told)

Shasta Seawright I think everyone pretty much knows I have an aunt who writes YA and a cousin who writes YA they are both super supportive! The rest of my family is supportive as well but wish I would tackle more conservative genres! (I've never been too good at doing what I was told)

Tricia Drammeh I didn't tell most of my family about my book until it was almost published. It's hard to put yourself out there. Are you nervous about putting your finished product in the public arena? Are you worried about how you'll handle unfavorable reviews?

Shasta Seawright I am nervous, but I think I'm prepared I work a public job and know it's virtually impossible to please everyone, and my book will definitely either be loved or hated nothing in between, I think I will be fully prepared for any negative reviews and comments as long as I keep that in mind!

Tricia Drammeh You're right. You can't please everyone. Gotta have a thick skin in this business.

Tricia Drammeh As we begin to creep up on the witching hour (or in our case, the end of the interview) does anyone have anything they'd like to ask Shasta?

Shasta Seawright My book is very edgy and has a lot of adult content and violence! I'm sure the haters will sound off much more openly that the lovers!

Joseph Gelinas from what i read it sucks you in

Joseph Gelinas When you get stuck with your writing what do you do to get over the bump?

Shasta Seawright Thanks Joseph Gelinas! When I get stuck I work on other genres to clear my head! Crazy I know but sometimes you have to step back! I also have a wonderful "creative panel" I turn to, they let me bounce my ideas off of them and tell me if im on the right track or if I need to take my medication lol! I also find that Spongebob is usually enough to make me want to write someone off in my book!

Shasta Seawright

Author Shasta Seawright
I am a working mother and wife. I have two wonderful children. Writing has always been my passion, and now I hope to share it with the world.
Page: 256 like this.

Joseph Gelinas Im honoured to have such a talent as a friend.

Shasta Seawright Joseph Gelinas I must say I look forward to your finished masterpiece as well!

Catherine Mahoney The same is Shasta grabbing Linna's hand and jumping back thr the dark portal back to home, It was pleasure. Thank you on behalf of Shah, Tricia, Joseph and guests for coming tonight.

Joseph Gelinas Thank you, And good luck Shasta Seawright on your judging duties

Tricia Drammeh Shasta, it was very nice meeting you and learning about your work. Thank you, Catherine, Shah, and Joseph, for setting up this wonderful event. I've really enjoyed meeting and talking with the horror writers this week.

Joseph Gelinas Remember 3 days till the winner is announced

Shasta Seawright Thank you all for having me! I am truly honored! Hope to see you all soon!

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