Friday, 12 April 2013

Jeff Glaze

Shah Fazli
Jeff Glaze Welcome to Spotlight live event, one more night of horror interview and one more night of excitement, and of course thrill for everyone here, we really want to be scared, we love that feeling, tell us about a few things or times that you have been really horrified, was it a nightmare, a real life tragedy, a dark night, or maybe something you had never seen before, why did you decide to write horror and when, has anyone ever tried to kill you Jeff, maybe not, please explain your motivation for writing horror?

Jeff Glaze I use my relationship with my wife when he interacts with his girlfriend for example. My wife is very independent, and I will suffer things I wouldn't take from anyone else, because I care so much for her

Jeff Glaze you will see it in John and Emily especially in book 3

Jeff Glaze I like to think that John is a lot of people rolled into one. He knows when to fight and when to run, when to hold em and when to fold em

Jeff Glaze I love alien stories.

Chad Repko What is it about alien stories that you love?

Jeff Glaze I am addicted to chocolate.

Jeff Glaze I am sticking a pencil in my eye.

Jeff Glaze ouch.

Jeff Glaze ready for more probing...

Chad Repko Ouuuuuuuch

Catherine Mahoney Is this a private party, what was your first scary experience, and where?

Jeff Glaze first scary experience was when my older brother said he was tired of me and was going to kill me just as soon as I fell asleep.

Catherine Mahoney I have to go catch the rolling eye ball as well as keep the ghosts at bay, sheeh..

Jeff Glaze We shared a bedroom.

Catherine Mahoney and the plot and setting please

Jeff Glaze Second scary experience was when he tried to do it.

Jeff Glaze I think I missed something Catherine Mahoney

Catherine Mahoney I take the 5th on that one, 18 and under could be here, in the bedroom, tomato juice, somthing more scary, amputee arm, ?

Catherine Mahoney with your brother?

Jeff Glaze Hunting knife.

Jeff Glaze But he never went through with it. he didn't have the balls to kill me. he would have been grounded for sure.

Catherine Mahoney wild sibling rivalry started your path to writing horror then?

Jeff Glaze Oh no, started me on the path to being a serial killer. Fortunately I lost my way and strayed from the payh.

Chad Repko A popular theme with the other writers have been listening to music when they write. Do you have any music that you put on for inspiration? Or do you like it quiet?

Catherine Mahoney yes, definitely, but it is good to write about those dark characters, our dear ones as characters. Who is your favorite author and book?

Jeff Glaze path

Catherine Mahoney you are not suppose to make me laugh, scared us with an excerpt of one of your stories if you like

Jeff Glaze one sec, I need to type it all.

Catherine Mahoney yes you new book, I am asking?

Jeff Glaze His friend seemed to be absorbed by the strange sight behind him. Coming their way were about a dozen glowing orbs. As Clark turned his head to see what everyone was looking at, four thin snake-like tentacles shot out of the ground and wrapped around his wrist and hand.
“What the… AWW… that fucking hurts!” he cried out as the tentacles tightened around his wrist and began jerking him toward the ground. Struggling to pull himself free, he began to panic when the first foul finger broke through his skin. “Help me!” he shrieked. “Get this thing off me!”
The fear welled up in his eyes as he lost his balance and was pulled face-first to the ground. Whatever had a hold on him was not about to release its prize. More tentacles shot from the ground to grip his forearm just below the elbow.
The others were now aware that something terrible was happening, but from where they were standing, they could not see what it was. Clark’s body was blocking their view, and in the seconds it took them to react, his arm was nearly covered with tentacles. Several of them had already burrowed into his skin. At the sound of Clark’s spine-chilling scream, whatever it was that had taken hold of him decided to flee.
All at once Clark was dragged along the ground by his infested arm. The tentacles broke up the ground like a buried electrical cord being yanked free. He flipped and flopped as the dirt gave way ahead of him and flew back into his face. He choked as chunks of dirt flew into his screaming mouth as the others ran after him.
Although John led the charge, it was Emily who dove for Clark’s feet while he was being dragged away. She hit the ground with a hard thud, her hands barely missing his foot as he shot away. “Shit! Grab him!” she yelled as she got back to her feet.
John was scrambling in the lead and was finally able to grab on to Clark’s boot and pull. “Help me!” he shouted at the others as he struggled for a better grip. For the moment, he was sure they would be able to halt Clark’s abduction.
Clark was resisting with all of his might. He struggled to reach the knife on his belt, thinking he could cut himself loose.

Catherine Mahoney I know, the ghosts are pushing my fingers ahead of my thoughts, blame on them

Jeff Glaze Excerpt from Send No Angel Released today.

Jeff Glaze tell me when you finish

Catherine Mahoney Yes saw it was on Amazon, I go get link and Cad, ghosts and fans keep you company, or Chad would like to know what music you like

Jeff Glaze I have 80,000 songs in my itunes. Except Opera, classical and very little country

Catherine Mahoney

Send No Angel (John Hazard - Book III)
John Hazard and Emily Sparks have been to hell and back in the forests of the Pa...See more

Catherine Mahoney Wow, and Chad?

Jeff Glaze Listening to some laid back shit right now, band called Cousteau.

Catherine Mahoney I did not call you cad, finger did not like H, good band

Jeff Glaze Your turn, Cad.

Jeff Glaze

Chad Repko hahaahaha.. Good write Jeff, I highly enjoy the idea of following a cool character through different adventures and actually care abou them.

Chad Repko about

Catherine Mahoney so Chad what is Moonlight excerpt and your music ?

Catherine Mahoney I am lost in Jeff's link already, music

Jeff Glaze thank you Chad.

Catherine Mahoney OH no my pinky finger fell off, anyone out there have questions, let me go bandage it up and be back

Jeff Glaze superglue it.

Chad Repko Duct tape. lol

Catherine Mahoney Good idea I was looking for it, three teens in house, and everything goes into the black pit

Catherine Mahoney Chad got lost somewhere?

Catherine Mahoney Your fans must like the preview to your new book, it got me curious to see what is between the covers, when someone is in the house, spooky

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