Shah Fazli
Lorena Bathey, Welcome, and congratulations on your new release, The X, do we know what this book is about, no, so please tell us what do you mean by The X, an ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, or it is something else, is it part of a series, a sequel, which genre, tell us about it please?
Yvonne Bethe — with Yvonne Bethe and Lorena Bathey.
Lorena Bathey The X was inspired by an x husband
Lorena Bathey Hello everyone...this is not so far going to be a series
Lorena Bathey But I have been having some ideas about bringing the two main characters back in another story
Lorena Bathey It's the story of a woman who is blindsided by her husband who then proceeds to divorce her and take her kids away. Her mother's intuition tells her something isn't right and so she must discover a dark secret he kept hidden and get her kids back
Diwakar Pokhriyal Lorena Bathey First of all congratulation on your new release . Can you tell us - How do you came up with the idea of writing a Novel?
Lorena Bathey Thanks for being here! I actually started writing novels in 2010. I have two other novels out in the marketplace. And two more almost done and ready to go. I love the way a novel can let you create worlds, characters and places that you can't do in non-fiction.
Shah Fazli How much do you love making characters, and writing novels, and tell us why is that, what is your particular reason for so much love?
Lorena Bathey When I get an idea for a novel many times it's a character that has come into my head and won't leave. It wants me to write their story. And that character can even be a place. My next novel, Coaster was set in an amusement park becuase we were there on vacation and I got an idea. I love when the character/place feeds me a story that I can then run with. I love when I write a good book and even re-reading I am feeling the story and as if they are real. That's the love I get.
Eva Tolnai Rosol Are you going to be revisiting any of the characters from your past novels for your future ones?
Lorena Bathey I'm not sure. I have a lot of new ideas that I am working on. But I know some want me to go back to Beatrice Munson and learn more about her. Usually when I finish the's done. But never say never
Diwakar Pokhriyal How do you started writing novels, means what/who was your inspiration to start?
Eva Tolnai Rosol Do you work on one story at a time?
Lorena Bathey Diwakar, that really depends. It can be somewhere I go. Like one novel I'm researching is about Thomas Jefferson and Martha Jefferson because when we were at Monticello the tour guide told us he burned all their letters to each other. It set off such a twitter in the group that I thought...there's a story there. So as a novelist you are always looking for a story and paying attention to what makes people respond. That's what inspires me to write.
Lorena Bathey Eva, usually. But Im doing research on one book and re-writing another at the same time right now. Usually the writing is done one book at a time. It's important to make sure I stay with the voice of my characters
Diwakar Pokhriyal How much time does it take to write one novel on an average, starting from the basic idea.
Lorena Bathey Oh so far it takes about 3-5 months to write and edit the book.
Lorena Bathey But it can take longer depending on the subject. I am expecting my new novel about Thomas and Martha will take me longer because I'm dealing with historical people and I have to get the facts and characters right
Yvonne Bethe Are there certain places you like to do the actual writing?
Lorena Bathey Yes...I love coffee shops. And panera, for some reason, really gets my mojo going. I think its the energy of having people around but no one is actually talking to me that is great. Because for me writing at home means too many distractions.
Lorena Bathey Panera is a chain of sandwhich/bakeries that are around the states.
Diwakar Pokhriyal Does writing a novel also helps you grow as a better person?
Lorena Bathey Diwakar, thats a great question! I think so. It does let me deal with some of my own issues towards people "wink wink" The X But I try to put something I've learned into my books. Not necessarily a moral but a bit of wisdom that I had to learn the hard way. My characters, I like them to change and become better people. So far I've been lucky as many who have read my books have said it made them take a look at their own life. So I've done my job as an author
Shah Fazli Tell us more about The X please, it's inspired by a relationship with a boyfriend, how much facts are there in this novel, or aren't there any?
Bryce Moerbeck Which authors have really inspired you to write, and do you ever find yourself emulating or throwing in aspects of other writers' styles or certain techniques when you write?
Lorena Bathey I got the idea to write a book about and X husband from my own x husband. But that's really where the correlation ends. However, what is true is that many times women are blindsided by divorce and they are not prepared or equipped to take care of themselves. That's something that women need to address while still in marriages. Be sure to have your own life and be prepared to take care of yourself no matter what happens. It's not always divorce, it can be death of a spouse but don't just let someone take complete care of you without being involved in your own life.
Lorena Bathey Hi Bryce, this is my son everyone. Who is also an aspiring writer! Well you know I love Stephen King. Not his scary books, I can't read those they're too scary. But his books like The Stand are the best way to learn character development. I don't know if I put other's styles in my writing but I am sure that I try to emmulate those I think are good writers, like Mr. King.
Shah Fazli Tell us about your past please, as a person, as a writer, and name a few of your old books, how many other books you have written please?
Lorena Bathey I was a stay at home mom for 11 years. In the span of three years my died of cancer, my dad remarried very quickly, and my husband left me. I fell into a place I'd never been before and I needed to find out who I was. That's where the writing began with my first book, Happy Beginnings: How I Became My Own Fairy Godmother. It's a memoir about starting over again and finding myself. During that time I also started writing my first novel, Beatrice Munson. I finished half and then set it aside. I picked it up again in 2010 when I met my fiancee and we both decided to follow our passions. Since then I've written five novels, three are in the marketplace: Beatrice Munson, House on Plunkett Street, and the newly release The X. Coming soon are Coaster and Meeting Ms. Monroe.
Shah Fazli Do you intend to one day live on writing, what is your best book among all, is it going to be The X, because now you are a far better writer, or is it the New Beginning, which one people love the most?
Lorena Bathey I actually am a full time novelist right now. I have decided to take the chance an write as much as I can. As a self published author I am building a library that people can find my work and then have more they want to read. I don't think I've written my best book yet. I think that each book has it's best attributes, it's reason for being. I am very excited about Meeting Ms. Monroe because its the real story of Marilyn Monror in a fiction novel. I believe she's been badly maligned in descriptions of her and so I'm going to show her as I believe she was. But I think every book I write I get better and better. Like anything its practicing the art that makes it excel. But I know that my past books have wondeful attributes and many love what they get from them. Happy Beginnings I worte for women so they would have the chance to see that even going through hardship you can succeed and come out better. That book will probably always be a favorite of mine.
Shah Fazli Can you read from The X for us please?
Lorena Bathey sure...Here's the blurb of what it's about first.Clarissa Hadonfield had it all. She lived in a lovely home surrounded by affluent intellectuals, had a successful husband, and two phenomenal teenage boys.
With the ring of a doorbell she finds her life substituted by one where she has to fight for her children against an evil she never knew existed and had been sleeping next to for the last twenty years.
When Clarissa's X shows his true colors, she finds she must become a strong woman who cannot only grow prize-winning flowers but can place a devastating roundhouse kick. Teaming up with Bryce Brightman, an ex-FBI agent, she uncovers a woman whose only goal is to save her children.
This story is about what a woman can do when she put her brains, her brawn, and her boots into changing the course of her life and protecting the ones she loves.
Lorena Bathey This is my page on Amazon with all my books Lorena Bathey: Kindle Lorena Bathey: Kindle Store
Shah Fazli Thanks, can you describe one scene from The X please, the people involved, the place it's taken place, and a few of the things that have happened?
Diwakar Pokhriyal What are the few things we should keep in mind while writing a novel?
Lorena Bathey Yes, one of the scenes I think is very powerful is the main character Clarissa she's hooked up with an ex-FBI agent to help her get her son's back from her X. They find they are dealing with real evil here, but Clarissa has lived a kinda pampered poodle life so while she gets this is very bad she still thinks she can kinda talk her way out of it. But Bryce has to make a point with her and he puts a gun to her head and explains what would happen if he shot her. He's trying to scare her and make her realize that the people they are dealing with are not afraid to kill her. It's a tense and powerful scene.
Lorena Bathey Diwakar, I think the most important thing is to just start writing. Don't worry about the punctuation and grammar, let the characters voice begin to speak through you. This can take time to get to know them. The freedom of not worrying about structure and grammar lets you become involved into the story the character or place is trying to tell. Editing is where the clean up begins.
Shah Fazli I think Diwakar's question would have been my last question, I leave it to others, if they still have questions. Thanks everyone for taking part.
Lorena Bathey I appreciate all your thoughtful questions. I would like to ask one of you all. Are you all writers or have a wish to write something one day?
Eva Tolnai Rosol I would like to write one day.
Lorena Bathey Eva, about what?
Diwakar Pokhriyal I have written 5 poetry books as of now which are published and I am a part of 13 poetry anthologies with poets around the world. Now I would love to write a novel
Lorena Bathey Wow, Diwakar, that is very impressive! Congratulations. Where can we find your poetry?
Lorena Bathey And what would you like to write a novel about?
Diwakar Pokhriyal My last two books are available in blurb and first two available in You can like my poetry page to know more about my books and poems . And as for novel I am thinking to write on a subject of "Experience of a student" lets see how it will come out.
Lorena Bathey Can you give us your facebook page so we can go and like it
Lorena Bathey The experience of a student...a very good topic as we are all students to life.
Eva Tolnai Rosol Lorena....I have to figure that out..
Lorena Bathey Well let me know when you're done Eva! Love to support writers.
Diwakar Pokhriyal
Diwakar Pokhriyal - The Poet of senses
Surprises elate human behaviors, but this is a magical sense, As if a beggar got a diamond, & Dancing for obliteration of his grievance. I was that beggar, Capturing your image in his imagination, Romanticizing his own world in a blink, Thanking god for such gorgeous creation. And when I passed b...
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Lorena Bathey I just liked both pages!
Eva Tolnai Rosol Me too!
Shah Fazli The X. Order it from here please.
ShahSight Literary Book Shop: The X Lorena M Bathey,
Diwakar Pokhriyal Thank you Lorena Bathey for your friendship and liking the page
Lorena Bathey If any of you are local to Livermore, Ca. I will be having a big author event with some surprises at The Winemakers Pour House in downtown. Here's the event.!/events/194185660705569/?fref=ts
Book Signing and Meet the Author, Lorena Bathey
23 June at 12:00 in PDT
The Winemaker's Pour House
Invite Friends · You're going
Diwakar Pokhriyal Thank you Eva Tolnai Rosol for liking
Yvonne Bethe Will definitely put iot on my calendart!
Lorena Bathey HA.. you're calendart
Lorena Bathey I am happy to answer any more questions. But I want to thank you all for being so amazing and thinking up questions that really made me search.
Lorena Bathey This is my page, love if you could like and then you'll find ou what's going on my literary world.
Lorena B Books
A site dedicated for the release of the novels and works of author, Lorena Bathe...See more
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Shah Fazli Thanks once again, Lorena Bathey, and everyone else for joining, such a lovely event all because of each one of you. See you in our other events, we do an event every day, so check out our page, Spotlight.
Lorena Bathey Thank you Shah for having me. I always enjoy talking about writing.
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