Friday, 31 August 2012

Author Interview -- ‎Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle

Shah Fazli
Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle, It is a pleasure to have you with us. Can you introduce yourself, tell us anything you want us to know about yourself please?

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle Hello and good evening or whaterver time it is on your place from Malaysia. I am a passionate reader and writer of fantasy tales. Reading was always my favoured pastime and of late, I enjoy writing as much as reading.

Shah Fazli Tell us something interesting about Crossbow-Isle, do you know of any other book that is in a way similar to yours?

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle I have read countless fantasy novels and so far, I have not found one that has any parallels to Crossbow-Isle. It was our aim to write a tale that never has been told and I think, we have succeeded. The tale incorporates various mythologies of our world but does not repeat old tales and stories.

Shah Fazli Why do you think people should read Crossbow-Isle, you said it is different from any other book, tell us something about it please, what are those differences?

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle Well, Crossbow Isle is based on some real background ideas about elves. Actually, I have not found many mythologies that tells about beings with what we call "Elven qualities" be it that they have 'super natural powers' or that they are mature beyond human capabilities. That has lastly inspired us to see why such myths are so omnipresent. Moreover, the idea that our solar system migth some time ago, have had 10 and not only 9 planets was the trigger point to consider that this missing planet by the name Pheathon, may have been the home of elven races, who have left traces in those mythologies.

Shah Fazli Interesting, now please take us inside this book, and tell us what there is, we want to know a little bit in detail about what is going on in this book please?

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle Hmm, good question. It begins with the destruction of the elven planet Phaehon. However, a few thousand years later, the 'echoes' of this event bounce back to the 'reality' where Crossbow Isle is located and coerces a number of people, who are entirely unaware of those bygone events into an adventure that eventually will reveal the truth how our world is ruled and govened. Needless to say that the path to this revelation is paved with countless adventures but, it nevertheless ends in our real world and sheds light on what and why things are happening here and now.

Shah Fazli Why did you write this book, did you get help from someone else in writing it, tell us please how did you create the characters and changed the story that you had on your mind to a book that is Crossbow Isle now?

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle My partner and I developed the idea to this novel. However, we did not have to change any ideas, it was more the fact that the entire tale was in our minds before we started writing. Matter of fact, the characters developed and often enough just 'appeared' in our minds. We often have laughed about the incidents when whether characters or the storyline itself appeared almost naturally and especially logically in our minds. Therefore, the tale is absolutely conclusive and logically structured. More than once have we asked ourselves where from those ideas had come, but they 'just where there' and more often than not, we were surprised about those developments. Perhaps some elves have placed it in our minds ;-)

Shah Fazli Thanks. Please name a few of your characters in the book, and explain who does what in the story, you may want to also tell us which one is your favourite?

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle Hmm, favoured? Well, in the first place is Enyana, the Moonchild or Ithilhin in the elven tongue "Qenia" which was developed by J.R.R. Tolkien. Actually, the elves in Crossbow Isle are quite similar to the elves Tolkien has described. The next character is Morgan, Enyanas youthful grandmother who is the healer of the village Willowbee, - the springboard from where the adventures begin. Then there is the ancient Druid Zaron, who is not only a helpful and true friend but moreover, the one who guides with wisdom and skill to solve the many riddles that have to be solved. However, of all the characters in the really long tale, Y Ddraig Goch is the one who has dearly grown to our hearts.

Shah Fazli Wonderful, now read a few lines of your book for us please?

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle I guess, that is the most difficult part of yhis interview, because selecting a few lines from ten thousands is quite a challenge. However, there are a few lines from the first book, which refer to the moment when one of the adversaries was defeated: "He felt as his mind and body was drained from all his powers, the black cloak he had stolen from an old mage begun to dissolve and vanish into the seal, and after a while, he felt as empty as a bag of corn once even the mice and rats had lost interest in it.
All what was left was a simple yet very bad mannered and ill minded person with no magical powers at all - just a horrible example of a wretched human figure!
To Enyana’s surprise, a thick teardrop ran down his cheek carving a small trail into the dirt of his skin. Morgan froze it in its position and from now on, it would always remind him of the hour that had witnessed his eternal defeat."


Shah Fazli Thanks a lot for being our guest today, hope to see you again soon. Here is the links to Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Islebook.

Crossbow-Isle Ithilhin-Moonchild Part
Crossbow Isle - Ithilhin Moonchild Part 3 Rescue missions for the people in dist...See More

Shah Fazli

Crossbow-Isle Ithilhin-Moonchild Part
Crossbow Isle - Ithilhin Moonchild Part 3 Rescue missions for the people in dist...See More

Sky Citizen Barak THANKS SHAH

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle Dear Sky Citizen Barak, If you go to AMAZON, just search for Crossbow-Isle Ithilhin Moonchild or follow the follow the links on It contaims paperbacks and e-books

Crossbow-Isle Language and Review
This landing page allows to select languages and displays the latest book reviews

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle Dear Shah; We thank you for your time and efforts and all friends on the internet for your interest having us tonight, today, or whatever time it may be in your place. We wish you a nice weekend. Thank you all....

Lynn L Mitchell Jr im 62, live in nixa, mo. im just a loveable person who reads books from time to time

Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle Thank you for your interestSky Citizen Barak.


Author I. Salgonda Crossbow-Isle We wish you a magic time on Crossbow Isle!

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