Friday, 14 September 2012

‎Spotlight - Edouard Spyk Gheur

Shah Fazli
Edouard Spyk Gheur, Great to see you, this is your special event on Spotlight, you may want to tell us do you really think life is only naughty or it's a lot more than that?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Well I've had a rather naughty life but sure have learnt from it

Shah Fazli A Naughty Thing called Life is about your own life, right, tell us what have you learnt from life, why do you call it naughty?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Well I use to play professional rugby most of my life then when I retired I went to Hollywood and got hooked on cocaine till my heart exploded

Shah Fazli Do you think life can also be cruel, is it enough to call it only naughty, after what you have been through, why don't you call it cruel?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Cruel is a cruel word as I have survived the impossible I truly feel that I am truly blessed and have been saved to help others and make a difference to peoples lives

Shah Fazli That is brave, what is the most precious thing in your life, or important person in your life, and why?

Edouard Spyk Gheur My daughter Angelyna as I was told I'd never father a child and the day she was born she gave me a reason to live and love life, she is my world

Shah Fazli I see, tell us how are you today, and how do you feel right now, how is your world, Angelyna?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Well after almost dying and being told I would be brain dead, parepeligic never walk again and never father a child after my Aorta split from my heart all the way down to my legs and spent over two years bedridden I truly thought my life was over

Edouard Spyk Gheur and after I finally managed to get out of bed I spent the next five years in a wheel chair, one day I came home and said to my father I want to teach myself to walk again

Shah Fazli What does your book say about you or about your life, and the people who are in your life?

Edouard Spyk Gheur My book basically tells all about what I've done in my life and the consequences of what drugs can do to you and after coming so close to death how I now appreciate life and everything life can bring you and I now so appreciate every breath I take

Shah Fazli Can you please post a trailer about your book?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Watch the video of my story here by clicking on this link

papaspyk bookpromo.wmv

Shah Fazli Can you read from your book for us please?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Have a read of my life story by clicking on this link here

Edouard Spyk Gheur
The latest edition of my book is now available to order, just click here to get ...See More

Shah Fazli Thanks, do you remember how you were feeling before your heart attack, and what happened there?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Before my heart attack I felt totally invincible and thought like nothing could ever go wrong but sadly the drugs took their toll and totally woke me up and made me realise that if I did not stop the drugs they would end my life

Shah Fazli So when did you start writing A Naughty Thing Called Life, you have been through so much?

Edouard Spyk Gheur Well after spending two long year in bed paralized from the waist down, told I'd never walk again, be brain dead and never father a child, me father took me to one of the top psychiatrists in the country and after a couple sessions she said to me when you go home from here, start writhing down your emotions, feelings, anything that comes to your mind. And i went home that night and started writing and I found it so therapeutic, till a couple years later my best friend came to see me and I showed him what I had written and he had tears in his eyes and I said to him Jo what on earth are you crying for and he said to me Spyk I've read anything more inspiring, motivational you need to publish this you will inspire millions around the world

Shah Fazli Thank you so much, tell us about your life before all this ordeal that you have been through?

Edouard Spyk Gheur No thank you for asking and if anyone wants to read my book just get your copy from this link here

The next edition of greatness has arrived, here it is...The next best selling author's are? Take a good look....

Shah Fazli Thanks a lot for your time, and it was a pleasure, do you want to say something at the end of this interview, we are enjoying this, but we don't want to keep you here longer?

Edouard Spyk Gheur I am loving this interview and after all I have been through in mny life, the reason for writing my book is if I can make a difference to one person's life I'll be one happy man

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ShahSight Literary Book Shop: A Naughty Thing called Life - Edouard Spyk

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Candy Little Great interview!!

Edouard Spyk Gheur Cheers for that

Candy Little Your life is truly a gift. What an uplifting story.

Edouard Spyk Gheur Will you add me to your friends Candy

Candy Little Sure. I friend all authors. I feel as though we are connected by words.

Edouard Spyk Gheur Fantastic look forward to talking with you

Candy Little I already sent a request. Best of luck with your book.

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